Pine Tree Removal with Crane

Check out this video about how David’s Tree Service is able to remove trees in difficult to get to areas with a crane.
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Diagnosing and Treating for Insect Infestation

Diagnosing and Treating for Insect Infestation   While it may not take an arborist to realize that your tree is under attack from an insect infestation, it probably will take an arborist to determine why it is under attack, what is attacking it, and what interventions are necessa
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2020 Winter News Letter – Winter Tree Care Considerations

Please click on the link below to view our newsletter for December 2020: Winter Tree Care Considerations
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TCIA Article

TCIA Magazine – A Crane Removal In Southern California by Richard Hawe

Click the image below to see our recent write-up about cable rigging in Tree Care Industry Magazine. You can also read it directly from the website by following this link: A Crane Removal in Southern California
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Arborist Reports

What are ‘arborist reports’ and why are they important? An Arborist Report identifies species, size and condition of trees. In addition, details specific and accurate information about trees including location, condition, structural integrity, life expectancy, infestations
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Tree Cabling & Bracing

Trees can grow in such a manner that their physical structure can no longer support their own weight. This is particularly common in mature multi-trunked trees and trees with open canopies. Failure of a large branch or trunk can result in property damage, personal injury, or the decli
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Trunk Injections

Trunk injection, also known as tree or stem injection, is a method of target precise application of pesticides, plant resistance activators and fertilizers into the xylem vascular tissue of a tree with the purpose of protecting the tree from pest or nutrition for correction of nutrien
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Free Wood Chips!

We proudly donate wood chips and mulch to many local organizations. It’s just one of the ways we support an eco-friendly environment as well as give back to our neighboring communities. If you are interested in Free Wood Chips give us a call at (714) 842-6345 or email us at info
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